“Only way to grow together as a couple is to nourish each other’s individual growth.”
― Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

In every relationship, there comes a time when one or both spouse feels unheard, insecure, and unsupported. The home that is supposed to be a safe space for you to bloom suddenly feels suffocating.

Many years ago, my best friend told me that he wanted to marry me once we grow up to decide these matters for ourselves. It took me a lot of time to accept the fact that the most beautiful and caring man in this world wants to spend his entire life, every day with me.

In those fiery years of teenage, and then my young adulthood, he was perfect in my eyes, humorous in the laughs he caused, and someone ready to do anything for my happiness.

Things started to seem extremely different from what I had first envisaged once I didn’t get what I believed I deserved. He might not have been the kind of companion I had anticipated. I might have placed his pedestal a little bit too high.

When we got together like he promised, despite my yearning to move mountains for him and to support him at any cost, I was the one who needed support.

When we are lost, and sad we tend to find happiness in trivial things. We often fail to realize that the happiness that we are looking for is within us.

I realized that I’m expecting way too much from him and that, because he wasn’t chasing after me, I meant less to him than everyone else in his life.

This was a turning point for me, and while I was still sulking in self-pity watching my friends and ex-colleagues doing great with their professional and personal lives, I was ready to take the first step.

The first step to restart and reshape my career. It was almost admirable to watch his eyes twinkle just a little to watch me and to listen to me about the path I wanted to take. It is a process and we are working on it as a team.

When someone loves you deeply, they don’t limit your potential. They’ll support your cause by cheering you on. They may appear to be the busiest or least affectionate person in the world at times, but when it matters, they will put everything else aside for you. Most importantly, they’ll see the potential you have, even if you can’t quite see it yourself.

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